The group
Head of the group: Prof. Dr. Jens Timmer
Secretary: Sonja Ambs, Phone +49 761 203 5928
Former members of the group, who obtained permanent scientific positions:
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Raue, Universtiy of Augsburg
- Dr. Clemens Kreutz, University Hopital Freiburg
- Dr. Florian Geier, University Hospital Basel
- Prof. Dr. Martin Peifer, Univerity of Cologne
- Prof. Dr. Douglas Maraun, University of Graz
- Prof. Dr. Björn Schelter, University of Aberdeen
- Prof. Dr. Christian Fleck, University of Wageningen
- Dr. Stefan Jansen, University of Applied Science Augsburg
- Dr. Julia Rausenberger, University of Applied Science North Western Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Markus Roth, Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller, University of Konstanz
- Dr. Kilian Bartholome, group leader, Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques
- Prof. Dr. Henning U. Voss, Weill Cornell Medical College New York
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Berg, University of Cologne
- Prof. Dr. Markus Kollmann, University of Düsseldorf
Former members of the group, in the order of disappearence:
- B.Sc. Lisanne Jeschke
- B.Sc. Leonhard Hell
- Dr. Franz-Georg Wieland
- Dr. Svenja Kemmer
- M.Sc. Paul Sellentin
- B.Sc. Paul Fleing
- Dr. Shakoor Pooseh
- B.Sc. Philipp Waibel
- B.Sc. Lena Kulla
- M.Sc. Lukas Refisch
- B.Sc. Josua Michael
- Dr. Adrian Hauber
- Dr. Daniel Lill
- Dr. Christian Tönsing
- B.Sc. Philipp Kienert
- Dr. Kai von Prillwitz
- Dr. Mohammad Hossein Yamani
- M.Sc. Toquinha Bergmann
- Dr. Farshad Roodbarkelar
- M.Sc. Helen Desmond
- Dr. Giang Thi Vu
- M.Sc. Theo Haug
- B.Sc. Frederike Dörr
- M.Sc. Tim Litwin
- M.Sc. Janine Egert
- M.Sc. Helen Desmond
- Dr. Joep Vanlier
- Dr. Raphael Engesser
- Dr. Clemens Kreutz
- Dr. Ariane Schad
- Dr. Helge Hass
- B.Sc. Philipp Alekos Tudor
- B.Sc. Pascal Dolejsch
- Dr. Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek
- Dipl. Forstw. Michael Rautenberg
- Dipl. Inf. Martin Gütlein
- M.Sc. Charlotte Voigt
- M.Sc. Martin Huschka
- Dipl. Biol. Johannes Bausch
- B.Sc Robin Thomm
- B.Sc. Valentin Hoffmann
- Dr. Malenka Mader
- B.Sc. David Vorgrimmler
- Dr. Bernhard Steiert
- Dr. Daniel Kaschek
- Dennis Pohnke
- Dr. Bente Kofahl
- Dr. Wolfgang Mader
- B.Sc. Timo Schweiger
- B.Sc. Tim Litwin
- B.Sc. Benjamin Winkelmann
- B.Sc. Jessica Schäper
- B.Sc. Marius Lange
- B.Sc. Moritz Bültmann
- B.Sc. Franz-Georg Wieland
- Dr. Tim Maiwald
- Clemens Blank
- B.Sc. Oscar Denihan
- Dr. Andreas Raue
- B.Sc. Viktoria Ehret
- B.Sc. Patrick Metzger
- M.Sc. Benjamin Merkt
- M.Sc. Lena Appel
- Dipl. Phys. Carolin Arand
- M.Sc. Hagen Klett
- Dr. Ariane Schad
- PD Dr. Björn Schelter
- Dr. Alla Bulashevska
- Dr. Linda Sommerlade
- B.Sc. Daniel Braun
- Dr. Marcel Mischnik
- Dipl. Biol. Oliver Eberhardt
- Dipl. Phys. Dr. med. Katharina Klawitter
- Dipl. Phys. Björn Bastian
- Dr. Andreas Maunz
- Alexander Niederbühl
- B.Sc. Yannick Linke
- B.Sc. Juliane Klatt
- Dr. Stefan Jansen
- Dr. Seong-Hwan Rho
- Dipl. Biol. Filippo Venezia
- Milad Adibi, M.Sc. Sys. Bio.
- Prof. Dr. Christian Fleck
- Michael Volpers, M.Sc. Math. Life Sci.
- Dipl. Phys. Max Schelker
- Dipl. Phys. Benjamin Seeber
- B.Sc. Matthias Dold
- B.Sc. Patrick Metzger
- Dipl. Inf. Hinnerk Feldwisch
- Dipl. Phys. Joachim Ortmann
- Dr. Matthias Ihle
- Dr. Bettina Greese
- Dr. Alistair Middleton
- Olga Lapp
- Dipl. Math. Rebecca Ramb
- Dipl. Biol. Julian Gehring
- Dr. Tobias Cramer
- Fidel Cordoba, M.Sc. Phys.
- Dr. Cristian Carmeli
- Michael Lenz, M. Math. in Finance and Life Science
- Dr. Katharina Best
- Dipl. Oek. Elena Solovarova
- Dr. Julia Rausenberger
- Dipl. Phys. David Feess
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Berg
- Dr. Ute Heisner
- Dipl. Phys. Sebastian Sonntag
- Dipl. Biol. Markus Nenniger
- Dr. Florian Geier
- Dr. Ing. Michael Jachan
- Dipl. Phys. Kathrin Henschel
- Dipl. Phys. Florian Posdziech
- Dr. Kilian Bartholome
- Dipl. Phys. Jakob Nawrath
- Dr. Thomas Maiwald
- Cand. Phys. Raimar Sandner
- Cand. Phys. Dorothea Kleintges
- Dipl. Phys. Moritz Gerstung
- Dipl. Phys. Stefan Hengl
- Dipl. Phys. Johannes Wohlmuth
- Cand. Mol. Med. Fee Werner
- Dr. Martin Peifer
- Dipl. Phys. Klaus Kopitzki
- Dr. Matthias Winterhalder
- Dipl. Phys. Georg Fritz
- Sophie Hetherton, MSc
- Dr. Stefan Reinker
- Dr. Markus Kollmann
- Julie Blumberg
- Dr. Yu-Kai The
- Dr. Markus Roth
- Dr. Henning Voss
- Dipl. Phys. F. Dreher
- Dr. A. Rossberg
- Dr. D. Faller
- Dr. W. Horbelt
- Dipl. Phys. D. Maraun
- Dr. H. Steltner
- Dipl. Phys. R. Altenburger
- Dipl. Phys. O. Walkenhorst
- Dipl. Phys. H. Rust
- Dipl. Phys. S. Häußler
- Dr. T.G. Müller
- Dr. S. Reisch
- Dr. T. Müller
- Dr. M. Lauk
- Dr. M. Wagner
- Dipl. Phys. J. Zanger
- Dr. S. Klein
- Dipl. Phys. W. Pfleger