Exercise 1: Positive cooperative feedback

Consider a protein \(A\) being phosphorylated by a stimulus \(S\) with rate \(k_1\) and dephosphorylated with rate \(k_{-1}\). The phosphorylation is cooperatively enhanced by a positiv feedback with hill coefficient \(k=4\) and rate \(k_2\):

\[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} pA= k_{1} \cdot S \cdot A + k_{2} \cdot A \cdot \frac{pA^4}{K_{m}^4 + pA^4} - k_{-1}\cdot pA. \end{align} \]

Further assume that the total amount of protein equals 1 (\(pA + A = A_{\mathrm{total}} = 1\)):

\[ \begin{align*} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} pA = \left( k_{1} \cdot S + k_{2} \cdot \frac{pA^4}{K_m^4 + pA^4}\right) \cdot (1-pA) - k_{ -1}\cdot pA. \end{align*} \]

The parameters are given by \(k_{1} = 0.1\), \(k_{-1} = 1\), \(k_{2} = 2\) and \(K_{m} = 0.3\).

Cathedral exercise:

What is the story of the most famous waterspout?